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What is this blog?

This is the technical blog of David Coats.

I focus on C# and .NET development, mostly on Windows. This includes .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework, Windows Forms, and Blazor. I also write about AWS, CSS, Excel, HTML, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, and both front-end and back-end web development.

But most importantly to me, I write about the techniques and philosophy of general software development.

Who is David Coats?

I have been using code to make computers do things for 18 years. And mice and keyboards and touchscreens for over 30!

I am an ex-physicist, ex-quant trader, and ex-software consultant. I have worked in a functional MRI liboratory in Singapore, a clean-room in Minneapolis, a trading floor in Manhattan, a software department in Tokyo, and a consulting firm in Los Angeles. I have worked in organizations with 50, 1,000, and 200,000 employees.

I have also worked by myself in a second bedroom in Boston.

Now I live near Palo Alto, California, USA. (Map)